Academy trust hosts highly successful first governor conference day

Orchard Hill College and Academy trust hosted its very first Governor Conference Day at the Holiday Inn, Kingston South. Everyone met bright and early for coffee and pastries – a perfect opportunity to network and get to know each other.

The conference opened with a warm welcome from Principal & CEO, Dr Caroline Allen, followed by an OHC&AT strategy update from both Caroline and Executive Head (Quality and Development)/ Deputy CEO, John Prior and an overview of all the exciting developments happening now and on the horizon.

Jackie Van-West, Director of Learning Support Services then gave an engaging and informative safeguarding session, which included an interactive quiz to test governors’ safeguarding knowledge.

After a quick refreshment break the conference resumed with a presentation by staff and students from the Digital School. Students from St Philip’s, Hannah and James demonstrated the latest Virtual Reality (VR) kit used by Simon Gale and his team for workshops with pupils and students. Governors were invited to try out the VR headsets and 5 willing volunteers had a go and were transported to Mars and Egypt!!!

After lunch, Roger Mills, OHCAT Trustee gave a motivational talk on the OHC& AT governance model and set the context for the second half of the conference which was an opportunity for the governors to take part in 6 Portfolio Workshops:

· Ethos, Vision & Strategy
· Teaching & Learning
· Finance & Resources
· Health & Safety, Child Protection and Safeguarding
· Business Development and Marketing
· HR and Organisation Development

The workshops proved a successful format, illuminating for both staff and governors, a great opportunity for round the table discussion, and sharing of good practice, contacts and ideas.
At the end of the day John Prior bought the conference to a close with the message of being “better and stronger together”. He thanked the governors for their continued commitment and invaluable support and wished everyone an enjoyable and restful half term.

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