Disused toilets being turned into a cafe on Sutton Green

A block of disused public toilets on Sutton Green is being given a new lease of life and being turned into a cafe as part of a redevelopment of the area.

The public conveniences, which have been out of use since 2003 due to vandalism and anti-social behaviour, had faced demolition. Thanks to the joint vision of the Friends of Sutton Green and the Sutton Local Committee, the building is now being completely gutted and refurbished to provide a cafe with seating for 20 people. Although the external structure of the block will remain largely the same, new windows are being installed to give customers a view of the park. As well as the new cafe, the Sutton Green development includes provision of new playground equipment, refurbishment of the existing play area, an outdoor gym and cycle stands.

The development is being funded by the London Borough of Sutton through Public Realm capital, which was awarded to the project by the Sutton Local Committee, as well as ‘S106’ funding for community facilities in the Sutton North Ward.

Peter Scouse, Secretary of the Friends of Sutton Green, said, “We’re delighted to see this building being put to good use for the local community to enjoy. We hope the additional gym and playground equipment will make this a place that families and individuals can enjoy for many years to come.”

There are Local Committees throughout the borough who can award funding to local projects or for improvement works in public areas. For more information and details of how to apply for funding from your Local Committee through a Neighbourhood Grant or Public Realm capital, visit the council website: https://www.sutton.gov.uk/info/200644/councillors_mps_meps_and_committees/1172/local_committees

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