Course can help charities transition to generating income

Many Sutton charities are looking for new ways to generate income as grant funding continues to shrink. Social enterprise is often held up as a ‘silver bullet’ but transitioning to a more sustainable business model can be tough.

To help the organisations tackle this challenge, the School for Social Entrepreneurs has developed ‘Transition to Trading’, a course designed specifically for the leaders of not for profit organisations making this change.

Delivered at their offices in London Bridge across six days, expert practitioners from across the third sector will share their knowledge and real life experience of trading with you.  Participants will be guided through the steps that you need to take to create a positive and financially sustainable future for you and your organisation.

Transition to Trading is suitable for senior staff at charities and social enterprises who wish to secure new ‘earned income’.


For more details  a call on 020 7089 9120 or go the website SCHOOL   

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