For nearly five year Sutton Voice has delivered news and information about our borough. Occasionally there have been requests to carry more personal opinions about life in the Borough of Sutton. This  channel has been set up so that readers can submit articles and comments generated  by their fellow readers.  
These “blogs” in line with the stories that are published in Sutton Voice every day will seek to transfer information and offer the opportunity for readers to benefit from the experiences of others. They will not deal with any issues that are in anyway political. Ii is hoped that the conversations which develop will simply reflect the issues and stresses that everyone faces in their day to day life in the borough – with some readers able to offer some solutions by offering up their own insights
All contributions both articles and comments will be read before publication and they will not be published if they do not reflect this aim.
Please feel free to pass on your thoughts in the comment boxes provided

Sutton NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme

Over 25? Book your COVID-19 vaccination online now If you’re aged over 25, a carer or have an underlying health condition, call 119 or visit to book your COVID-19


Detectives name Sutton murder victim

Detectives have named the victim of a fatal stabbing in Sutton as 42-year-old Peninah Kabeba. Police were called at 21:55hrs on Thursday, 27 May to