Still time for residents to give views on the proposed erection of 20 metre mobile phone mast on “green triangle.”

Campaigners against the erection of a 20 metre mobile phone mast on the Poet’s Estate in Carshalton have just one more day to make their views felt.

The proposal by WHP on behalf of mobile phone company EE (UK) and Hutchinson UK Ltd., to erect a 20 metre (65.5 ft) telecoms pole on the green triangle in Milton Avenue, is causing a lot of concern amongst local residents. There are, so far, 140 objections on the Sutton Planning Register and consultation closes on 3rd June,” said local residents Kelly Kenchington of Byron Gardens, Meg Jefferies of Brookfield Avenue and Ruwani Callwood of Milton Avenue.

“The application is for what is called Prior Approval being promoted by the government to avoid scrutiny and challenge by residents and local councils. The new Bill going through parliament is seeking to extend Permitted Development Rights for planning generally and for 5G masts in particular, in order to bypass local democratic structures.

“The latest Milton Avenue application for Prior approval will be decided by council officers as the council can only consider the siting and appearance of the proposal. The Council had no say in the choice of site in Milton Avenue as government legislation allows phone companies to submit applications for masts on sites based on their own technical preferences. This application has all the appearance of the mobile phone company putting a pin on a map without  knowing or understanding about the local area.

“The Poets Estate is a leafy estate built in the Garden suburb style in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Using a green space on the triangle in Milton Avenue, where there are trees, shrubs and wildlife, risks losing much of the green and turning the site into an industrial one. For many local people the mast is very close to their homes, will be visually intrusive and will be totally out of keeping with the area. Its sheer height and bulk – two to three times the height of local homes and trees – will not be avoidable for many, and will negate the amenity they derive from the green space.

Residents have formed a Poets Estate Facebook group, but meanwhile any local person who lives on or near the Poets Estate, and who wishes to comment, can visit the Council’s Planning Register online. They need to go , using the reference DM2021/00852. Closing date is 3rd June.”

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