Orchard Hill College wins national recognition for curriculum innovation

Orchard Hill College are celebrating having won a Natspec Award for Curriculum Innovation.

The Natspec Awards aim to recognise and celebrate excellent practice in the specialist further
education sector. The college received the award for developing a recovery curriculum to support
students to transition back into college after lockdown and are thrilled to see the positive impacts it
has had across the college.

The recovery curriculum has provided students with holistic support to tackle their anxieties and
worries around coming back to college after being at home during the pandemic. The recovery
curriculum allows essential time for students to reset, recover and reconnect with all aspects of their
college life in order to continue their work towards lifelong goals.

The recovery curriculum supported students through a range of opportunities including drama and
canine therapy, mindfulness sessions and acting courses. Students who have suffered bereavement
during the last year are able to participate in a trip to Centre Parcs, later in the year, to give them
the opportunity to have a break and recuperate.
Kerry Macey, Head of Centre in Carshalton said “Since the introduction of the recovery curriculum
there has been a positive impact across the college which has been demonstrated though increased
attainment levels, positive engagement in lessons, improved attendance and effective transitions
from home to college. This has also improved students emotional and physical well-being”.
Orchard Hill College is a specialist college for students aged 16+ with a range of special educational
needs and disabilities. The college offers social and vocational opportunities to students in the
community where they develop their life and work skills to prepare them for life after college.”

Orchard Hill College was established in 1983 and now operates from six college centres
across London and Surrey. The college provides post-16 education for students with a range of
special educational needs and disabilities.  Orchard Hill College was graded Outstanding in November 2019.
Orchard Hill College established Orchard Hill College Academy Trust (OHCAT) in 2013 and is
an Academy sponsor of 15 Special Education Needs (SEN) schools and academies in London, Surrey,
Sussex and Berkshire.
Orchard Hill College (OHC) and Orchard Hill College Academy Trust (OHCAT) together form
OHC&AT, a family of inclusive special education providers for pupils and students from nursery
through to further education across London, Surrey, Sussex and Berkshire.
For more information on the College please contact Tel: 0345 402 0453 or
email: [email protected] or visit: www.orchardhill.ac.uk

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