Series of public discussions launched to share views on improving healthcare

ENGAGEMENT EVENTS LAUNCHED TO FEEDBACK AND IMPROVE HEALTHCARE IN THE LOCAL AREA A series of public discussion events are being held for local communities to share their views and opinions on how to improve healthcare in Surrey Downs, Sutton and Merton areas. The events are being organised by NHS Surrey Downs, Sutton and Merton clinical […]

Belmont festival offering fantastic range of events on July 8

The popular Belmont Festival is to take place on July 8. The free event which starts at noon will donate its proceeds to the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, in particular the Oak Cancer Centre. The festival is taking place in Belmont Village, including stretches of Station Road, St John’s Church and the park area adjacent to Belmont […]

Come along and meet contractor building new council houses

Building work is officially underway on a programme by Sutton Council to construct the first new council houses in nearly 30 years. This has been made possible due to changes in national policy. The new build programme will see 93 new homes delivered across three sites – in Alcester Road, Wallington; Fellowes Road, Carshalton; and […]