Consultation on building plans for Sutton’s new schools to start

Following the appointment by the Department of Education (DfE) as design and build contractor, Wates is developing and consulting on its plans for the new secondary school and special school proposed for the disused all weather pitch and part of the southern end of the Sports Village at Rosehill Recreation Ground.

As part of the pre-planning process ahead of submitting a planning application to Sutton Council in May, Wates will be hosting a public event for people to view the initial proposals, and to ask questions and give views on Wednesday 3 April, from 2.30pm to 8.00pm in the Briefing Room at Sutton Sports Village, Rosehill Park, Sutton, SM1 3HH.

The drop in event will give people the opportunity to view illustrations and plans of the proposed building, as well as learning about the access points, parking and landscaping in and around the site. Representatives of the Wates project team will be available to answer any questions. People will be encouraged to give their feedback which will be used by Wates to develop its proposals further, ahead of the formal planning application being submitted to Sutton Council.

If planning permission is granted, the schools should be completed by September 2021; they will then be handed over to the Greenshaw Learning Trust.

If you are unable to attend the event, Wates’ exhibition boards and feedback forms will be available here from 4 April to 12 April.

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6 responses

  1. Not impressed, we will be losing a valuable public recreation ground in order to cater for pupils who cannot find places in existing SUTTON schools because those schools are filled with out borough children. Having demolished six secondary schools in the 1980s and sold that land for housing is this an on going trend to circumvent building regulations? When this school is built is it part of the LEA? NO, it is handed over to some ‘Trust’!!

    1. I agree! Ruining a local park that I have used my whole life living in Sutton. Building a school in between two large high schools. Surely a school in Cheam would be more useful?!

  2. As a young person who has used the supposedly “unused” recreation ground all of my life, I am very unhappy that any building is going to be taking away our precious park land. It seems odd to me as a sixteen year old that a school is being built so close to two existing schools when there is no school to serve the whole of North Cheam Worcester park.

  3. Besides supporting the need for a C of E secondary school in the Borough I’d also be in favour of a non-selective school on the land behind St Helier Hospital, adjacent to the sports centre. The school could serve the centre & vice-versa. A school with an emphasis on human biology so the pupils who study it could possibly gain work experience at St Helier: you’d be looking at tomorrow’s doctors & nurses.

  4. A proposed school that can educate up to 1500+ pupils is ridiculous in that area. The sense of scale requires doesn’t fit the site.


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