Great opportunity to help an organisation by becoming a Trustee

It is Trustees Week 12th – 16th November and Sutton Volunteer Centre in association with Community Action Sutton is running a Trustee Recruitment Networking event on Monday 12th November. Reed Business Info have generously provided the event space. This will be an evening event with drinks from 18.00 to 20.00.

” I’m sure there are many people in Sutton who may be interested in becoming involved with a Sutton charity or organisation in a Trustee role, which is voluntary but requires skills and experience,” said a spokesperson.

“At the event there will be representatives from 10 local organisations, each doing a short pitch to the audience about their work and impact, and what they are looking for in trustees. There will then be a chance for attendees to chat informally with them and find suitable matches.

This event is registered on Eventbrite here:

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