MP Tom is guest of Palace star Wilfried at Man City game

After raising in Parliament the issue of football discrimination and praising Wilfried Zaha for his work with the foundation, Football for Peace, Carshalton and Wallington Lib Dem MP Tom Brake was invited to watch the Crystal Palace vs. Man City game with Zaha’s family and friends.

Tom enjoyed the game from Zaha’s box, despite the game’s disappointing result (3 -1 to Man City).

Following the game, he met with Wilf to hear about his plans for a charitable foundation.

Carshalton and Wallington MP Tom Brake said: “As a season ticket holder, I have spent many a happy Saturday afternoon chanting “He’s just too good for you” as Zaha runs rings around opposition defenders, so it was a great pleasure to get to know him and his family. “He needs to be recognised, not just for the wizardry he displays on the pitch, but also for the charitable work that he contributes to uniting communities. Zaha truly is a star on and off the field.” 

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