MP Tom visits Carshalton Boys Sports College

Carshalton and Wallington MP Tom Brake visited Carshalton Boys Sports College Directions and Destinations Day last Friday to discuss his experience as a Member of Parliament, as well as other political career options. 
The annual event enables students in year 8, 9, 10 and 12 to meet with representatives from different organisations and consider their future careers and progression routes. Meeting with people working in different sectors helps students to expand the range of possibilities they are considering for their future employment or training options.

Tom assured the students that there are countless career opportunities in the political field that appeal to all job interests.
Carshalton and Wallington MP Tom Brake said: 
“It was very fulfilling to take part in Directions and Destinations Day last week. I had lots of conversations about my own experience as a Member of Parliament, but also many other roles in politics.
“I had a very positive response and a lot of expressions of interest during my conversations with the students. This is a great day that all schools should emulate to support students to choose the career that is right for them.”

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