New fund launched by Sutton Giving in response to COVID 19 – today

Sutton Giving is a local giving platform that is a key part of the work of Community Action Sutton. Sutton Giving’s aim is to improve lives in Sutton and build a brighter future for our borough and we think that launching this fund on behalf of Sutton Giving is more than appropriate at this time.

“Sutton Giving is therefore working in partnership with Community Action Sutton, Sutton CCG, Sutton Council to work with the local voluntary and community sector to understand the challenges that you are facing at this time in providing ongoing support to the people you work with in the light of COVID-19,” said a spokesperson.

The key aim of the fund is

To assist groups and organisations providing services and support to individuals and families, whether singly or collectively, affected by the Coronavirus pandemic

And the grant is specifically for voluntary and community sector organisations who are:

Delivering COVID-19 Frontline Services Or Whose ability to operate has been severely impacted by the measures put in place to stem the pandemic

The fund will be open from Monday 20th April with the deadline for applications on Sunday 26th April at midnight. The Panel will meet on Wednesday 29th April and decisions communicated on the 1st May. Until further notice we will keep the fund open with the same timetable – deadline for future applications being midnight on Sundays, panel to meet on Wednesdays and decisions communicated on Fridays.

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