Police arrest two people after school items seen at car boot sale

Sutton Police were recently called to St Helier Car Boot sale on the open space, opposite St Helier hospital, where staff from Green Wrythe Primary School had spotted items recently stolen from their school being sold.

“On arrival a male suspect fled but was quickly chased and apprehended by PC Marley from our Emergency Response Team B,” said a spokesperson for Sutton Police.”

“One male suspect, who was already wanted for failing to attend court on traffic related offences, was arrested along with a suspected female accomplice. Along with the stolen property from the school, two stolen pedal cycles were recovered and reunited with their owners and the male suspect was found to be driving a stolen vehicle with false plates.

“After a bit of forensic work we’re delighted that all property will go back to the staff and children of Green Wrythe Primary School!”

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One Response

  1. Well done police officers could do with you in Cornwall..as for the rotten thieves courts should make crime NOT PAY …


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