Sutton Council’s latest statements on traffic initiatives

Sutton Council has issued a range of  statements regarding the various traffic initiatives which are being trialled across the borough.

Update on emergency services 20/10/2020

Sutton Council has an excellent relationship with its partners in the Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade and London Ambulance Service. We work closely with all the emergency services in our borough to ensure the safety of all our residents.

We consulted with all the Emergency Services prior to implementation and there continues to be ongoing engagement with the Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service about the measures being trialled across Sutton for the next six months. If they make any further recommendations now that the schemes have launched, the Council will work with them to consider changes. Where site visits are requested by residents, the Council in conjunction with the Emergency Services has agreed to attend any future site visits. All feedback and comments from Sutton residents and the borough’s emergency services will be considered as part of the ongoing consultation.

Update on Throwley Way and St Nicholas Way 25/9/2020

The London Borough of Sutton wants to make your streets safer, more active and greener.

Speeding traffic and dangerous conditions for pedestrians and cyclists along Throwley and St Nicholas Way have been key concerns for residents around Sutton town centre for years. The high levels of traffic on the one-way system and vehicle speeds can make these roads feel unwelcoming and dangerous.

As the lockdown started to end, the Council brought in experimental measures in Throwley Way and St Nicholas Way to:

  • provide more space to socially distance and to walk and cycle safely.
  • reduce vehicle speeds.

These measures were also designed to help support the Council’s ambitious aims to tackle air pollution and encourage people to be more active by walking and cycling more.

We have been monitoring

The number of pedestrians using the new space has been fewer than predicted and we recognise that there are some small changes we can introduce to improve the scheme and better define who the space is intended for.

We have listened to your feedback and are now making the following changes: 

  • current social distancing signs to be removed
  • cones will be replaced with reflective posts to create a segregated cycle lane with clear signage

Why are we making these changes?

The scheme was introduced as an emergency measure in response to COVID-19 and the need for social distancing. These important changes are based on feedback from councillors and residents.

When will this come into effect?

These proposals will be introduced on an experimental basis. Improvements will begin on Friday 25 September, so please bear with us while changes are made.

Where can I find out more?

For more information about this and other improvements we are implementing to make our borough’s streets safer, more active and greener, go to

To give your views on how these changes are working and whether changes are needed, visit our consultation hub.

Your feedback will help the Council decide whether the Throwley Way/St Nicholas Way scheme should be kept as it is now, modified or removed when the six-month trial is over.

Update on North Sutton Low Traffic Scheme and All Saints Road 25/9/2020

The London Borough of Sutton wants to make your streets safer, more active and greener.

As part of the Safer, Active, Greener streets programme, a low traffic area scheme was launched in the North Sutton Area on 14 September. This included the following road closures to motor vehicles:

  • Grennell Road, north of Edinburgh Road
  • All Saints Road, west of Calthorpe Gardens
  • Benhill Wood Road, north of the junction with Oakhill Road
  • Benhill Wood Road, north of the junction with Benhill Avenue

The closure on All Saints Road was designed to create a safer traffic environment for pupils at All Saints Benhilton Primary school.

Following implementation, we have seen a higher than anticipated volume of traffic on a few surrounding residential roads which were not designed for this number of vehicles.

We have listened to your feedback and are now making the following changes: 

  • The road closure at All Saints Road – west of Calthorpe Gardens – will be removed to address the traffic that has moved to other residential roads.

All other elements of the Sutton North Low Traffic Area will remain in place. The Council will continue to seek alternative ways to improve road safety outside the school.

Why are we making these changes?

The scheme was introduced to:

  • Improve safety in Grennell Road, All Saints Road, Benhill Wood Road and in the surrounding streets by reducing traffic levels and speeds.
  • Reduce air pollution due to lower traffic numbers
  • Make the area more pleasant and quieter to walk and cycle around, and safer for children
  • Reduce the number of non-resident vehicles cutting through the area

We have been monitoring

The changes in All Saints Road have now been in place since 14 September and we have been monitoring their impact. We will continue to monitor whether through-traffic is diverted away from residential roads and on to the main roads as intended.

When will this come into effect?

These proposals will be introduced on Friday 25 September.

Where can I find out more?

For more information about this and other improvements we are implementing to make our borough’s streets safer, more active and greener, go to

To give your views on how it is working and whether changes are needed, visit our consultation hub.

Your feedback will help the Council decide whether the North Sutton Area scheme should be kept as it is now, modified or removed when the six-month trial is over.

For more information about this and other improvements we are implementing to make our borough’s streets safer, more active and greener, go to

To give your views on how it is working and whether changes are needed, visit our consultation hub.

Your feedback will help the Council decide whether the Central Road scheme should be kept as it is now, modified or removed.

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One Response

  1. Foolish schemes causing nothing but solid non moving traffic, extra costs for everyone more petrol being burned. Whoever thought this was a good idea is a fool and had obviously never traveled on the Rds they have ruined


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